This solid wood trestle desk with hand cut mortise and tenon joinery can be easily customized or converted into a dining table. It uses a pair of removable wedges to secure the stretcher making it easy to break down flat when needed for moving. Check out how we built it in the video below and be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions!

A trestle desk made of cherry wood.

Completed Desk

Here are a few final photos of the completed desk.

A trestle desk made of cherry wood with maple wedges
A trestle desk made of cherry wood.
A trestle desk made of cherry wood with maple wedges.

Parts and Materials

  • (4) 5/4 Cherry Boards - 5’ x 8" (Top, Legs, Stretcher)
  • (1) 12/4 Cherry Board - 3’ x 8" (Supports, Feet)
  • (1) 4/4 Hard Maple Scrap - For Wedges (Offcuts from above boards could also be used.)
  • (8) 1-1/2" Screws / Washers
  • Titebond III Wood Glue

Tools Used

Be sure to check out Our Workshop page for more details.


The final version of the design can be download from the link below allowing you to change various parameters (such as the overall height which is currently set to 28.5") using the Change Parameters (“fx” button) in Fusion 360. The 3D model can be viewed online from the “View 3D Model” link or the embedded viewer below. This will let you explode the model into its parts and measure any values using its ruler tool.

The “View Dimensions Drawing” link below shows the dimensions of the various desk parts (for a height of 28.5" and a table top of 56.5" wide by 24.5" deep). These can be printed using the print button on the lower toolbar.

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